The Power of Colostrum: Fresh VS Frozen


Colostrum, also known as 'liquid gold', is the first milk that a breastfeeding parent produces. It's packed with crucial nutrients and antibodies that your baby needs in their first few days of life. But, should it be served fresh or frozen? Let's discover the benefits of each to help you make an informed decision.


Fresh Colostrum: Instant Immune Boost

One of the primary advantages of fresh colostrum is the immediate immune support it provides to your baby. It's rich in antibodies and white blood cells, which fight against diseases and infections. Fresh colostrum is often referred to as the baby's first vaccine due to its immune-boosting properties.

Moreover, fresh colostrum is uniquely tailored to your baby's specific needs during the initial days. It contains concentrated nutrients and growth factors that are vital for your baby's development. It's low in volume but high in concentrated nutrition for the newborn.

Another key benefit of fresh colostrum is the hormonal connection it aids in establishing between the baby and the breastfeeding parent. This bond is not only emotional but also physiological. Breastfeeding releases hormones like oxytocin that promote bonding and attachment. Thus, fresh colostrum is not only nourishing for the baby but also beneficial for the parent.


Frozen Colostrum: Long-term Reserves and Flexibility

While fresh colostrum has its unique advantages, frozen colostrum is equally beneficial and offers its own set of benefits. One of the main advantages of freezing colostrum is the creation of a long-term reserve. This reserve provides a supply of immune-boosting nutrients for times when fresh expression might be challenging or not possible.

Having frozen colostrum on hand offers flexibility in feeding. It's particularly useful in situations where the breastfeeding parent might be temporarily unavailable, or the baby is unable to latch properly. It ensures that your baby still gets the necessary nutrients and antibodies even if they aren't breastfeeding directly.

Moreover, frozen colostrum serves as a backup plan, offering peace of mind in case of unexpected circumstances. It can be a lifesaver when you're dealing with issues like low milk supply, medical complications, or when you're planning to go back to work. Building a stash of frozen colostrum means you're always prepared for future use.



Whether fresh or frozen, colostrum plays a pivotal role in your baby's initial growth and development. It's a powerhouse of nutrients and antibodies, providing your baby with the best start in life. Remember, every drop counts, so do what works best for you and your baby. Both fresh and frozen colostrum have their own benefits, and as long as your baby is getting colostrum, that's what matters most.